B. 1991
Artist, educator, and professional cake decorator. Lives and works in NYC.


2019 MA PreK-12 Art Education, Brooklyn College, New York, NY

2015            BFA with a minor in Anthropology, Hunter College, New York, NY

Solo Exhibitions

2019 ArtShack Brooklyn Ceramics window display, Brooklyn, NY

2017             ceci n'est pas une cake,  The Spence School Gallery, New York, NY

Selected Group Exhibitions

2015            BFA Thesis Show, New York, NY

2014            Art Historians at Hunter College Student Pop-Up Show, New York, NY

2014            Fempire’s Living in a Gendered World, New York, NY


2014            The Olivetree Review, Issue 54


2015 Kossak Painting Fellowship and Grant Hunter College, NYC

2014 Kossak Painting Fellowship and Grant Hunter College, NYC